
A unique screen protector detection feature is available in Google Pixel 8 series from the previous year. With the use of this cutting-edge innovation, users can adjust the screen protector mode on or off their Pixel 8 or Pixel 8 Pro smartphone based on whether a screen protector is on or removed.

According to reports, the search engine behemoth is now preparing to add a new adaptive touch capability to Pixel smartphones. It is anticipated that this facility will automatically modify the touch sensitivity of the screen in response to user activity and ambient factors. It is purported that references to the feature were seen in Android 14 QPR3 Beta 1.

The most recent version of Android 14 QPR3 Beta 1 has code strings that provide indications of the adaptive touch feature, according to a report by Android Police. The strings claim that the handset’s adaptive touch technology will automatically modify the touch sensitivity in response to the user’s surroundings, activities, and screen protector.

The ambient elements or activities that could cause a shift in touch sensitivity are not included in the strings. But according to the source, Pixel may automatically adjust screen touch sensitivity in response to weather, activity, and other factors like rain or cold. The screen protector detection capability, which is already present on Pixel 8 smartphones, may be referenced in the mention of screen protectors.

Furthermore, the rumor claims that the Adaptive Touch setting would be located in the Settings app under Display > Touch Sensitivity whenever the new functionality launches on Pixels. It is anticipated that the feature would enhance the user experience.

As previously indicated, Google is already providing the technology that detects screen protectors just for the Pixel 8 series. When a screen protector is put or taken off of a phone, this feature recognizes it. When a screen protector is attached, the device will notify the user and ask them to turn on the screen protector mode in order to enhance touch sensitivity.