
Looney Tunables is not to be taken lightly. Numerous Linux distributions are seriously at danger from this vulnerability.

Tuesday saw the disclosure of a potentially harmful vulnerability to Linux systems operating in the dynamic loader of the GNU C Library by the Qualys vulnerability Research Unit (TRU). According to Saeed Abbasi, manager of Vulnerability and Threat Research at Qualys, this code library, generally referred to as glibc, is present in the majority of Linux computers.

The dynamic loader of the GNU C Library is an essential part of glibc that prepares and executes programs. The loader, in Abbasi’s opinion, is extremely security-sensitive because when a local user executes a set-user-ID or set-group-ID application, its code has elevated privileges.

“The Looney Tunables vulnerability (CVE-2023-4911) in the GNU C Library (glibc) poses a significant threat due to its ubiquity in Linux environments, impacting potentially millions of systems, especially those running vulnerable glibc versions on Fedora, Ubuntu, and Debian,” he said.

Abbasi recommended security personnel to prioritize correcting this problem as soon as possible, as advised by the Qualys TRU.

What is at risk

The buffer overflow that Looney Tunables causes in the dynamic loader’s processing of the GLIBC_TUNABLES environment variable is a major worry. On the majority of Linux distributions, it results in full root rights.

Glibc was developed so that users may alter the behavior of the library at runtime. The intention was to do away with the requirement to recompile either the library or the program for installation.

According to Abbasi, a successful vulnerability might grant attackers root rights, allowing them to read, modify, or delete data without authorization and perhaps leverage more attacks by increasing privileges. Because of how easy this buffer overflow may be exploited, arbitrary code execution poses a real and present danger.

“Therefore, despite the associated challenges, determined attackers targeting specific entities might find exploiting this vulnerability to be a viable venture,” Abbasi continued.

There is still more of a security risk. Data theft, illegal changes, and further assaults all have a genuine chance of happening. It’s also conceivable that hostile actors would incorporate this vulnerability into scripts, malware, or other harmful software.

Worries Getting Worse

IoT devices use the Linux kernel extensively within their unique operating systems, making them the most vulnerable devices to this glibc vulnerability, according to John Gallagher, vice president of Viakoo Labs at Viakoo. Patch production timetables varies amongst IoT device manufacturers, making remediation a drawn-out procedure.

Organizations must have a thorough inventory of all their assets, including IT, IoT, and apps, in order to deal with this successfully. The programs that are connected to these devices and any application-to-device dependencies that may affect patching must also be thoroughly understood by organizations, he added.

According to Abbasi, the importance of Glibc in many Linux versions considerably increases the need for an urgent repair. IT security teams are required to create preventative measures to fend off the enormous risks that are involved once it is exploited, even in the absence of obvious exploitation in the wild.

“Given the detailed nature of the provided exploitation path, organizations must act with the utmost diligence to shield their systems and data from potential compromise through this vulnerability in glibc,” he stressed.

Options That Are Widespread for Complex Vulnerability

According to Andrew Barratt, a Cyber Security executive at Coalfire, the Looney Tunables vulnerability is not only complicated but also poses a high severity risk owing to potential intruder exploitation, which might wind up being a very common privilege escalation as part of a larger assault.

While the’soft inner shell’ paradigm is popular, Barratt told LinuxInsider that it should be viewed as an amplifying vulnerability to any of the original access routes. This serves as a crucial reminder that vulnerabilities shouldn’t be examined in isolation.

We must adopt a more threat-aware perspective and consider the entire assault chain, he continued.

According to John Bambenek, chief threat hunter at Netenrich, a security and operations analytics SaaS firm, the vulnerability provides a number of ways for an attacker to get root capabilities due to its widespread use across the Linux operating system.

“Fortunately, it needs local access or, for some reason, the ability of an attacker to remotely change environmental variables. Teams should patch immediately and plan a reboot, he advised LinuxInsider.